Quark separator, CIP cleanable. For the production of quark/ greek style yoghurt /Labneh /Skyr. Input 5,500 up to 10,000 ltr/h of skim milk. Output up to 2,100 kg/h depending required dry matter in end product, total solids up to 22 %. Motor, air cooled power: 20 kW - 37,5 A - 2.910 rpm. Bowl (with 12 nozzels), bowl speed: 5.350 rpm, closed product collecting tank 100ltr, with spray bowl on outfeed, Manual, and automatic counter pressure valve whey, flowindicator and sight glass on inlet, Outfeed product lobe pump (Waukesha 060U2C: lobe Ø 160mm - 4,0kW - 9,1A - 1.420rpm) with bypass CIP valve, Control panel and base frame. Excluding tools, inlet filters.
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